Who we are

The heart in the work, this is the motto of our firm!


Leaderia is a team of 15 people passionate about the food industry and the hotel and catering industry, who carry out more than 200 missions each year and meet more than 1,000 candidates.


We are ISO 9001 certified, which certifies the quality of our internal processes. This standard is renewed every 3 years by an independent audit firm, in addition to annual evaluations of our processes.


Interim Management Department of the Leaderia firm, “talent recruiter” for 15 years, we meet the need for urgent and immediately operational skills in the agri-food and hotel and catering sectors. Our customers have asked us to provide this service to them; it has now been done since 2020.


Team, Requirement, Excellence, Team, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, these are our values!


TEAM: With the complementarity of CDI consultants specialized in the business, operational and functional, of our clients, and the expertise in Transition Management of our dedicated team, we bring a unique solution to the market.


Composed of a HRD, a commercial director, and an operational general manager, our team at the head of the Transition Management division is able to understand and clarify the client’s problems and issues from the first meeting, and to challenge the mission as it unfolds.


REQUIREMENT: Our precise knowledge of each interim manager who enters our database, after a rigorous selection process allows an optimal “matching” between the candidate and the project.


EXCELLENCE: The targeted choice of the manager, perfectly meeting the specifications, both in terms of business expertise and soft-skills, is an essential key success factor for the mission entrusted.


As with our Interim Managers, whose careers and updates we follow, we maintain long-term relationships with our clients. Small or large, everyone is treated with the same seriousness, we are ENTREPRENEURS for whom each client counts.


ETHICS is an essential value for us, and we ensure that it is the same for all of our managers and our partners.

Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes