A team to support you

A dual location in Paris and in Nantes to be closer to the territories
Louis-Simon Faure
Associate - Consultant
Director – Founder

After 20 years of experience in agri-food recruitment, including 10 at Mars Inc, Louis-Simon founded Leaderia, the firm specializing in agri-food
Laurence Frenkiel
Laurence Frenkiel
Laurence Frenkiel
Head of the pole
Interim Management

Laurence is a specialist in "matching" between the interim manager and the client company thanks to her 12 years of experience in interim management, and her 15 years of activity in Human Resources Consulting and HR functions in business
Christian Le Grill 1
Christian Le Grill
Christian Le Grill
Business Developer

Christophe worked for 20 years in commercial and marketing functions in the meat industry, particularly in the Great West where he is from.
Christophe Simon
Christophe Simon 2
Christophe Simon
Senior Consultant

A seasoned transition manager, Christophe has been carrying out transition missions for more than 10 years as General Manager or Industrial Site Director in the food industry.
Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes