
What is the impact of a crisis on interim management needs?

Some recent events have changed the way companies operate: health crisis, geopolitical crisis, social changes, etc.

However, not all organizations have a business continuity plan in place to ensure transition when navigating troubled waters. Change is not necessarily easy, and finding solutions requires specific skills, in particular experience and agility, especially for food companies:

  • Agricultural
  • Processing of raw materials
  • Production and distribution of finished products
  • Hotel and catering


When these skills are not available in times of crisis in the company, interim management can be a solution to address specific issues.

Due to his flexibility, his availability and his operational and managerial skills, the interim manager accompanies for the necessary duration – seven months on average – more and more companies in their needs to:

  • Transformation
  • Growth and internationalization
  • Crisis management
  • Officer Replacement


The economic situation that has affected the food sectors has developed an awareness of the needs of organizations in terms of agility and flexibility, as well as a desire for change in order to continue their activity in the best possible conditions.


From this observation, it follows that the interim manager is today more and more present within companies in the food and hotel and catering sectors because he meets these needs while ensuring operational efficiency and leadership. leadership assignments. Interim management provides a fast, effective and immediately operational solution, while guaranteeing flexible and essential change management, on various subjects:

  • Changing supply chain processes
  • Transforming Agricultural Machinery Production
  • Go organic
  • Or any other matter of managerial urgency


In this case, the difficulties of supply and the increase in the price of current raw materials lead organizations to review the production and distribution of their products. The transition manager is one of the keys to responding quickly and effectively to these change needs, while limiting costs, because he is neither an employee of the company, nor present beyond what is necessary: ​​he leaves the organization as soon as the mission is over and the handover is done.

L'impact d'une crise sur le management de transition
Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes