
Process of an interim management mission

Progress and end of the mission of the interim manager

Based on the information collected and the company’s objectives, the interim manager develops an action plan that will serve as a roadmap throughout the duration of his intervention.

This action plan summarizes:

  • All of the issues to be addressed
  • Actions to take
  • The persons in charge of the files
  • The progress schedule


However, this plan is not free from the unexpected and requires some flexibility. Its deployment can also cause friction or resistance to change on the part of some employees. The interim manager may then be required to postpone or stop certain actions in favor of others in order to preserve a relevant and effective action plan.

Throughout the mission, the manager makes sure to communicate and exchange regularly with the people who are experiencing the change in order to involve them, reduce resistance and maintain his leadership. At the same time, he keeps his principal, most often the management of the organization, informed of the smooth running of his intervention.

In addition, at Leaderia we organize regular meetings between the manager, our Pole manager and the company in order to measure the progress and the quality of the deliverables. These exchanges also serve to ensure good relations between the manager and the company.

The role of the transition manager is to ensure the transition of a company from point A to point B. This intervention is also accompanied by a transfer of skills to internal teams or to the holder of the position on a permanent contract, if he is recruited during the mission, in order to continue the work initiated by the manager. Finally, the interim manager writes a report on all the actions carried out in relation to the roadmap initially defined and the future actions to be deployed to continue and sustain the efforts undertaken.

The mission stops as soon as the client deems it relevant. Also, the termination date may differ from the date initially provided for in the contract, subject to prior notice (15 days in the case of Leaderia)

Le processus de la mission du manager de transition
Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes