
Guy Lannoy, quality specialist in the food industry

At 60, Guy Lannoy, interim manager specializing in food quality, has around thirty years of experience in the business, following his engineering degree in agriculture, supplemented by various training courses and certifications throughout his career .


Having started at Danone, Guy was then the Bonduelle Group’s Quality Assurance Manager for ten years, before branching out into animal by-products and co-products (the circular economy and sustainable development are subjects that are particularly close to heart); field in which he created a company in the early 2000s, and managed it until 2019. He is also particularly invested in Valoria, the union of professionals in the development of co-products and food production gaps in animal feed.

Consultant and Interim Manager since 2020, Guy is a very results-oriented person, with a keen sense of mission. Simple in his posture and benevolent in his approach (Guy is from the Lille region), this interim manager is just as comfortable in the field, with the teams, as with the Management Committees and the Brussels authorities.

To the question, “Why did you choose interim management?” Here is his response: “A company that uses an interim manager generally needs a quick and effective response to an unprecedented situation. The use of an experienced consultant is often the solution to dissect a difficult situation and return to a more stable and sustainable situation: it is the transition “from chaos to serenity”. The interim manager must be geographically and above all intellectually mobile to adapt to all situations. His experience makes him more credible in the face of change. Diagnosing the situation quickly, proposing a roadmap, implementing it, overcoming difficult milestones together and then sharing the successes with the teams, that’s all I like about being an interim manager. »

Guy Lannoy, manager de transition
Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes