
When should you use Interim Management ?

Appeared in France about twenty years ago, interim management has since demonstrated its effectiveness in helping companies to pass a decisive milestone during major changes, and its market has continued to develop, driven by a double digit growth.

According to the French Federation of Interim Management Actors the turnover achieved in France amounted to nearly €440 million in 2019. Major French groups, international groups, but also ETIs and SMEs use it.

When to call on InterimManagement?

The interim manager intervenes on temporary assignments to respond to difficult situations – crises, organizational or structural changes, long assignments (up to 24 months) – or in the event of a managerial emergency (assignments of 3-4 months).

All high-level managerial functions are concerned even if, in fact, the CFO, Industrial Management, HRD and DG functions are the most solicited.

The benefits of an interim manager

  • Using an interim manager makes it possible to make the management of a delicate situation more reliable by accessing high-level sector expertise and extensive experience in the function.Due to his experience with similar issues, the interim manager will not experience a learning curve and will be able to deal with the subjects quickly and efficiently.


  • In addition, by being at the heart of the teams in place, he will implement an action plan by working with them in project mode.


  • The interim manager may also be consulted to take an expert look at the situation and give a relevant opinion on an organization or on development options.


  • Finally, the interim manager is not registered with the company’s workforce.


Rely on an interim management firm

Choosing a good interim management firm is the guarantee of saving time and efficiency for the company. He will help to precisely define the client’s needs and will be able to identify the profile of the managers who have the qualities necessary for the project.

To choose the right firm, it is useful to ask yourself some key questions:

  • Does the firm have sector expertise to properly anticipate the challenges of the position to be covered?


  • Is it able to compose a project team combining an interim management expert and a sector expert?


  • Does it offer a tailor-made offer according to the profile and the stakes?


  • Does it follow a quality and continuous service improvement framework such as ISO 9001 certification?
Quand faire appel au management de transition
Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes