Recovery mission before sale of the company
It is sometimes necessary as part of the strategy of an agricultural or agri-food group to separate from one or more entities that do not align with said strategy, or do not present sufficient profitability indicators. However, in order for the transfer to take place under the best possible conditions, these entities or sites often need to be valued beforehand. Agri-food transition management makes it possible to respond quickly, operationally and for a fixed period, to this challenge.
The context in which the mission takes place depends on each company, but most often it is non-optimized production due to faulty or poorly applied processes, discouraged teams or unsuitable management which leads to decreased productivity or increased absenteeism.
The interim manager, as a former manager or experienced leader from the agricultural or agri-food sectors, is immediately operational to turn around an agricultural equipment or agri-food production site. To do this, he defines a roadmap, according to the needs expressed by the client and his observation of the situation, and thus defines the contours of the mission:
- Enforce health and safety rules
- Manage production lines
- Manage ongoing projects and continuous improvement
- Optimizing the use of the site’s workforce through the development of versatility
- Develop new products
- Lead sales teams
- Ensure the administrative follow-up of the site
- Etc…
In these kinds of situations, the social climate of the structure can also be deteriorated. The interim manager’s mission is then to improve the team’s state of mind and manage potential protest movements, such as:
Improve communication with teams who need coaching and reassurance
Take control of a number of uses from the previous management mode
Animate the management committee and liaise with the production teams
Manage and lead teams around common objectives.
The mission of the interim manager is to achieve the objectives set by the principal based on his technical expertise and his managerial experience in order to enhance the value of the company to be sold in order to optimize the sale.