Our customers

Leaderia is the only firm specializing in the agrifood and hotel and catering industries.

We support agri-food companies of all sizes (family business, SME, ETI, large groups) according to their needs:


  • Equipment manufacturers and agricultural machinery
  • Seed companies
  • Agricultural cooperatives
  • Manufacturers of food ingredients and PAI
  • PGC manufacturers
  • Distributors for the industrial channel, BtoB, export


In the hotel and catering industry, we support all sizes of business:


  • Large hotel groups
  • Family Office
  • Franchisees
  • Catering groups
  • Foodtech companies
  • Event locations

Interim managers make it possible to respond urgently to operational and management functions in the various departments of your company:

  • CODIR functions

Managing Director, CFO, Country Manager, HRD…

  • R&D functions

R&D Director, Life Cycle Manager…

  • Sales and marketing functions

Sales Director, Marketing Director, Sales Director…

  • Support functions

Logistics Director, Purchasing Director, Supply Chain Director…

  • Factory functions

Site Director, Industrial Director, Operations Director…

  • Site functions

Hotel Manager, General Manager, F&B Director, Executive Chef..

Interim Management by Leaderia
6, rue de la Pépinière — 75008 Paris
12 Avenue Carnot - 44000 Nantes