What is Interim Management ?
According to France Transition, the federation bringing together specialized firms: “Interim management is the way for companies to benefit, in an urgent time and for a short period, from highly qualified operational and managerial skills in order to face specific challenges”. In other words, transition management is the response to an urgent and specific need of the company in the face of a crisis situation, positive or negative.
These situations in which companies call on an interim manager are special and exceptional cases in the life of a company, which it cannot manage with an internal and/or permanent resource. The most common examples are the transformation of a company and the management of change, followed by growth, the internationalization of the activities of the company, the replacement of an absent leader or the assurance of being able to ensure “the interim” in cases of recruitments that last too long.
Leaderia has chosen to create a Transition Management Pole, because the food sectors (agricultural, agri-food and hotel and catering) experience, like companies in other sectors, this type of situation, while also having characteristics specific. It is to respond to these particularities that sector and business expertise are essential assets to meet the specific challenges of the organization through the choice of a manager exclusively from these sectors.
It is also important to add that a database that is both quantitative and qualitative is not sufficient to respond in the best possible way to a customer need. The interim manager must truly match the DNA of the company in order to be as effective as possible for the duration of his mission. Personally knowing the interim managers in your pool helps to ensure this match between the proposed manager and the corporate culture, an essential key to the success of the mission.